Hi lovelies,
Since we've entered the time of Beltane, with its wild and fertile energy, I've decided to create a Tarot Spread for this occasion.
Most of the time we really have to behave, be civilized, and often there is not enough room to live out our Wild, or Primal Self. But from time to time, it is necessary to allow this side of ourselves to come forth, and we should not suppress it all the time.
If you agree on this, this Spread is maybe interesting for you. Feel free to try it out, and if you would like you can share your results. Go to the Video below and leave your response in the comments, or just leave a comment here.
Here is the spread :
1. The current status of your Wild Self
2. The benefits of working with your Wild Self
3. What to be careful about when working with the Wild Self
4. How to embrace your Wild Self
5. How to best work with it
6. Final message from your Wild Self
Much love and Blessings
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