In this article, I share with you an exercise to balance the elements of earth, fire, water, and air within yourself. Learn more about how the elements can affect us and how we can take care of them.
How to protect yourself when you work with spirits, faeries, or even dark energy beings? He we dive a little deeper. It is not about which crystals to use, or what incense blend is the best. Here we talk about the very basic, yet often forgotten skills we need to develop to be safe in the subtle realms.
In this article we will look at the different aspects of your personal energy field and how you can clear detrimental energies.
Included are detrimental attachments, psychic cords & chains, psychic attacks, fractured soul, past life vows, ancestral patterns, chakra balancing, spirits within your auric field, and more.
Do you need psychic protection in your daily life? How can you protect yourself and how often do you need to do it?
And as a little bonus, I will also talk about energetic gifts.
How can you offer your pet Reiki or any other form of energy healing? What do you need to look out for and how can you perform it safely for yourself and your furry friend?
Learn more about Animal Energy Healing
What is Geopsychic Stress and what are Energetic Imprints? Learn more about spirit lines, portals, place memory, curses on the land, and more.
How you can find them, what you need to dowse for, and how to clear them.
What types of energy beings can be found in your home? Are they all detrimental or can you even work with them?
In this article we are going to explore all the beings from trapped spirits, to your Guardians of the home, and we even address the darker energy beings.
Is clearing your space and home with smudging and crystals enough? Learn about what tools you can use to raise the vibrations in your home, and when it is necessary to consult a House Healer.